The “5 ways” is a tried-and-true approach to eliminating steps without added value, improving the measurement system, reducing variation due to common causes, decreasing variation due to special causes, and shifting the average to boost process capacity. Continuous improvement is an integral part of the process optimization process. It is essential to arrange regular meetings with stakeholders to get their feedback on how the process works (or doesn't) and what you and your leaders can do to keep on improving and simplifying it. After mapping your current workflows, you should decide if you should modernize or enhance your processes and technologies.
Business process management is a practice that involves regularly reviewing and optimizing every business process within the organization. It is important to have a baseline of your current processes in order to set specific objectives for how you expect to improve them. AG5 software can be used to save time and money when it comes to improving production processes, as it provides an overview of who can do what and who can't. Additionally, TWI provides greater insight into operational and process-related improvements.
Finally, understanding how your average affects the capacity of your processes is key in order to keep on improving them. It is necessary to continuously review progress and make updates when necessary, both internally and externally.