10 Best Practices for Process Improvement

Process improvement is a practice of optimizing existing business processes to meet current industry standards and improve the customer experience. Here are 10 of the best techniques for starting your process improvement initiative.

10 Best Practices for Process Improvement

Process improvement is a practice of optimizing existing business processes to meet current industry standards and improve the customer experience. When a company is faced with operational challenges, customer complaints, or simply wants to optimize existing workflows, it's time to implement process improvements. Here are 10 of the best techniques for starting your process improvement initiative. 1.Agile Methodology: Rather than defining the project with strict deadlines, an agile approach requires more iterations.

Incorporate feedback from the team, highlighting problems and successes to make additional improvements. An agile methodology improves communication and collaboration between stakeholders and facilitates adaptation to change.2.Six Sigma: Six Sigma is a well-known technique for reducing variability and defects to less than 3.4 per million units. Its objective is to minimize errors and maximize value in all sectors by taking advantage of data and statistics. Within this methodology, process engineers use two techniques DMAIC (define, measure, analyze, improve & control) and DMADV (define, measure, analyze, design & verify), to achieve the desired results.3.Lean Manufacturing: Lean manufacturing aims to reduce costs by eliminating waste.

Although the name suggests that this methodology is specific to the manufacturing industry, its fundamental principle can also be applied to other sectors. To use this technique effectively, the process improvement team must map the value stream to understand the perceptions of buyers, which will allow teams to successfully eliminate waste and redundancy from business processes.4.Kaizen: Kaizen is a Japanese term that means “change for the better” or “continuous improvement”. The difference is that you are implementing a framework that makes process improvement a conscious part of the company's DNA.5.Project Management Approach: If you can improve your process visualization capabilities, for example, through a project management approach such as Kanban, you can more easily identify problems such as bottlenecks and the root causes of those problems.6.Set Measurable Objectives: Rather than addressing a small component of an overall workflow, setting measurable objectives is an example of a process improvement plan.7.Involve All Stakeholders: In addition, any other interested party in the organization must be informed of process improvement efforts and their support must also be obtained.8.Automate Repetitive Tasks: Research suggests that more than 40% of employees spend at least a quarter of the week on manual and repetitive tasks, such as emailing, collecting and entering data. Implementing a technological change or a customized application can automate these repetitive tasks and employees can reallocate time to fundamental aspects of their work.9.Test Before Implementation: When it comes to the testing phase, follow these suggestions so that a change in the process is ready for full implementation.10. Regularly Update Processes: Business processes must be updated regularly and continuously to ensure that your organization can operate with minimum operating costs and maximum efficiency.